Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer '09: Mixing it up


It is wonderful to see the strong numbers that continue to make it out to Cleveland club practices and local summer leagues and to hear about those of you outside of the area making waves for the Gobies in your local areas. As we all are catching the Ultimate bug that leads to such dedication it is important to remember how much time still stands between today and Sectionals '10. Once school starts we expect you all to remain dedicated and show the new rookies what Ultimate is all about as you also dedicate time to school. It is important not to get burned out before the school year starts because, assuming we all put in the time we are putting in now, we have A LOT to be excited about this year.

So please, when you're not on the field and looking for a way to stay in shape consider some enjoyable alternatives. I've been playing basketball 3 times a week which helps keep me in shape and keeps me jumping. I love me some pickup Ultimate just as much as the next guy but consider hosting some full court pickup basketball or soccer or whatever else you can think of to keep you in shape. Bored by tossing? Go play a round of frisbee golf with your Ultimate disc and work on those hucks and making accurate throws. And - maybe most importantly - if you begin to feel injured or burned out from playing Ultimate please sit a day or two out. This is the time to do it.

All that being said, stick to your goals (or make some goals) of coming out to club practice and working out and doing whatever else you planned on doing over the summer to be ready for next year. We haven't even played our first club tourney yet but I'm already excited about our first tourney as Gobies in the Fall because I see the drive in so many players that I know will take us to a higher level of play this year.

Enjoy your summer.


1 comment:

  1. Good Advice. I'm taking a few days off to heal up.
