Friday, April 24, 2009

The summer, and getting intense

The majority of my colleagues are currently bogged down with their work for computer class (NERDS!), so I'm gonna take a break from my mediavision to draw up a post for all of you to chew on as your primary mode of entertainment this friday.

It was windy today. Then again, the winds of change never blow without letting you know. Also, its finally getting pretty warm outside. I guess you could say C-town is just preheating the oven for the regionals run we're cooking up this year. I ceremoniously removed the plastic window wrappings in our house in an unofficial declaration of the beginning of summer. I also signed up for Cleveland Summer League (Draft league), and am prepping for a nice warm season of ultimate. It'll be good to hear people on the field saying its "warm as balls" instead of "cold as balls" in the coming months.

After our appropriately-lengthed end of year meeting last night, we held a co-ed scrimmage with the ladies. It was in a word "chill-gressive". The mood was light, but the playing was hard. We're all excited to see the ladies rock out with their ovaries out in Oberlin next weekend, and we're ready to cheer them on. Our sideline presence will squeeze extra intensity out of them like a big manly beautiful (e.g. Mark) juicer.

I thought I would provide a few tips for the ladies on how to get super pumped for their competitive sports event

  1. Music: This is key. I would reccmommend getting a "boom box" and play something thatll really get you pumped. Lebron listens to Jay Z before games, so that's likely the best bet. You'll likely be shaking with anticipation, so let the beats flow through you, and high five each other till you stop skaking, or start bleeding. Whichever comes last.
  2. Meditation: Nothing lets the other team know how much of a baddass you are by being the person who steps to the side and crouches down and just "feels it" for a minute. Sit still and take a few deep breaths, then make a show out of stretching extraneous muscles, then break out of meditation mode by screaming and chest bumping your teammates. If you do this, the other team will likely be expecting you to shoot flames out of your eyes once you take the field
  3. Get injured and return: *cough*macandalex*cough*. Take it upon yourself to play with reckless abandon to the point you break a bone or tear a muscle. This may hinder your team slightly in the short run. But the pump-up inspiration factor of limping on the field and re-dominating will be enough to inspire your entire team to thrash the competition when it counts


1 comment:

  1. or *cough* paulpiercewheelchaircomebackihateyoupaulpierce *cough*
