Oh, the long road to Regionals. Now is the time to start preparing for this long journey ahead of us. Let me pass on some advice offered by some great sages of old.
First: “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” We have heard this so many times before, but it is so important for us to remember. We must start walking now along the road to Regionals if we ever hope to get there.
Second: “The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.” It sounds trivial, but in order to get to Regionals we must not think of ourselves as only a Sectionals caliber team anymore. This is the mindset we must have if we plan on achieving the glory we deserve. We must not settle for anything less than greatness if we hope to reach our goal.
Third: “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” If everybody gets excited now about preparing for the upcoming season, it will become natural to us and we will constantly be looking for ways to further ourselves along the road to Regionals. It will be like learning to walk again, slowly putting one foot in front of the other, but soon we will naturally be taking strides down this long road ahead of us. This quote applies particularly well to the story of a few brave souls’ journey down the 15 week path of Air Alert (3). Our voyage had a rocky start but we all motivated each other to keep going. Around week 3 the excitement that had kept us going the first two weeks was starting to fade, but, at that point, doing the workout had already become habit to us and we stayed strong through the final weeks.
I hope this advice has inspired you to take that first step along the road that will lead us to glory. It is important to remember that the Fighting Gobies can be a Regionals caliber team; we just need to prepare ourselves to be Regionals caliber players.
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