You'll be hearing "Make it Happen" coming from me pretty often these days, as I've decided to make it my new catch phrase. Its pretty great when you make a sick cut (off of swim move) and toss a nice soft pass to a handler, tell him "make it happen", and he fires off a long, clean huck that's pulled down in the endzone by another fellow cutter (i.e. mark).
"make it happen" can also be a slogan for the road to regionals. We here at the blog love to talk about, and imagine all the training montages, and glorious moments along the way, but what it all comes down to is making the reality of the Gobies at regionals actually happen. It's "real talk": cutting down to whats serious. Its a phrase to live your life by. Eliminate the extraneous stuff, just think about what you want, and "make it happen" I think its pretty legit.
Summer league has been going pretty well. I've made an official monetary commitment to clique league, and have been playing with team tron and the twinsburgh people. We've gotten off to a 4-2 start, and have definitely been shocking the league.
Draft league has also been successful. Team pink sits mightily atop the standings with an undefeated record. This isn't to say we aren't just coasting through the league. We've been putting a lot of heart and spirit into our thrashings.
I've been relegated to handling a lot in summer league, which is always frustrating me, because I'm a thrasher (cutter) at heart. Against chocolate yesterday, one of my many fans/admirers personally requested a swim move demonstration. Though I was all too eager to chump the competition, I had very few opportunities, due to my handling duties. Still, stepping out of one's comfort zone to improve a weak part of their game is definitely a step on the road to regionals.
We defeated team chocolate by a decent margin, but it wasn't without a solid performance by crunkin' Duncan Davis. The fellow goby played like a game changer. I can't tell you how legit its been to see every goby stepping their game up to the next level.
Thanks for your continued readership, as Q and I are glad to have your support. I would say the same for the other bloggers as well, but I haven't heard much from them lately
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
A Mental Vacation
You may have noticed that I haven't been blogging as much - mostly cuz Summer League updates week after week can get pretty redundant. Here's my summer league recap. We win some games, we lose some games. I have good games, I have bad games. Kevin wins all his games, convincingly.
Anyway, this post is to inform those in Goby Nation that I will be leaving the country for awhile, and believe it or not, I do not intend to blog at all while abroad. I'd like to take the time I have off to regather myself mentally, step away from Ultimate for a bit, enjoy life, let my body heal up a little more, and just take a break altogether. I pretty much play Ultimate year round, so taking a few weeks off is not a bad thing. I never gave myself enough time to properly heal injuries, so currently I play Ultimate on Aspirin (hamstring injury from D3 Nationals 08, bruised rib, and lately, Plantar fasciitis). We'll see how much I can remedy all of that.
So, I urge all of you in Goby Nation to keep up the good work, and hopefully my fellow bro's will keep you entertained.
I leave you with two things. One is a chill-tense track that I've been thizzin to every now and then. It's called "Don't look back" by Telepopmusik. Special thanks to Weston Miller for opening it up to me. The other is a new vocab word for you all: Real Talk (Kevin explain plz). I come up with(and legitimately use) a lot of this stuff, but I cant let you in on all the vernacular at once. Too easy. So, from now on I'm gonna end all my posts with a new word.
Good game,
Anyway, this post is to inform those in Goby Nation that I will be leaving the country for awhile, and believe it or not, I do not intend to blog at all while abroad. I'd like to take the time I have off to regather myself mentally, step away from Ultimate for a bit, enjoy life, let my body heal up a little more, and just take a break altogether. I pretty much play Ultimate year round, so taking a few weeks off is not a bad thing. I never gave myself enough time to properly heal injuries, so currently I play Ultimate on Aspirin (hamstring injury from D3 Nationals 08, bruised rib, and lately, Plantar fasciitis). We'll see how much I can remedy all of that.
So, I urge all of you in Goby Nation to keep up the good work, and hopefully my fellow bro's will keep you entertained.
I leave you with two things. One is a chill-tense track that I've been thizzin to every now and then. It's called "Don't look back" by Telepopmusik. Special thanks to Weston Miller for opening it up to me. The other is a new vocab word for you all: Real Talk (Kevin explain plz). I come up with(and legitimately use) a lot of this stuff, but I cant let you in on all the vernacular at once. Too easy. So, from now on I'm gonna end all my posts with a new word.
Good game,
Friday, July 10, 2009
Goby Withdrawal
I've had the shakes lately.
I lie in bed at night, and think about my fellow gobies, and how we're going to improve ourselves and come together as a team to be victorious at sectionals. I keep thinking about us scoring that last point to qualify for regionals. We're going to win a tournament this year. We're going to bond at spring break and bro out so hard that we'll have to worry about high-five calluses. Just thinking about it gives me shivers
As fun as its been to play with a wide variety of people, I'm getting pretty antsy about reuniting with my Case teammates this fall. Once that first pull goes off, we're gonna thrash up the field like a buff hurricane. Every time I imagine it in my head, there's some badass rock music in the background with a guitar crunching out some sick riffs while we shred a zone, or break chumps. Sometimes chill-tense just doesn't cut it.
I lie in bed at night, and think about my fellow gobies, and how we're going to improve ourselves and come together as a team to be victorious at sectionals. I keep thinking about us scoring that last point to qualify for regionals. We're going to win a tournament this year. We're going to bond at spring break and bro out so hard that we'll have to worry about high-five calluses. Just thinking about it gives me shivers
As fun as its been to play with a wide variety of people, I'm getting pretty antsy about reuniting with my Case teammates this fall. Once that first pull goes off, we're gonna thrash up the field like a buff hurricane. Every time I imagine it in my head, there's some badass rock music in the background with a guitar crunching out some sick riffs while we shred a zone, or break chumps. Sometimes chill-tense just doesn't cut it.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Dictionary Preview

So many of you have probably noticed that a few of us incorporate some interesting wordplay into our entries. For those of you that have trouble following our flow, I wrote up a dictionary a few months back to help explain ourselves (kinda). This will serve as a little taste of the full lexicon of your blogging gobies. Just a few rounds of our verbal armament so to speak. Im guessing it will eventually become expanded, and turned into an iphone app or something
Thizz: To react strongly to something in a positive manner
Ex: “I was thizzing so hard after breaking my mark. I chumped him out bad”
Antithizz: The opposite of thizz; to react negatively to something
Ex: “man, im pretty antithizz about getting beat deep on that play. I’m gonna have to train harder to make regioanals next year”
Chill-gressive: “The state of being both chill, and aggressive.
Ex: “man, he was lulling me to sleep with his chillgressive style. I totally wasn’t ready for it when he busted strike and threw a huck deep to Andy
Chill-tense: “The state of being both chill, and intense
Ex: “Dude, explosions in the sky and minus the bear is such chill-tense music”
Big: An all purpose modifier to show increase in intensity of a feeling or action
Ex: “I’m about to go big eat some food
Ex: “I’m big antithizz over the fact we didn’t make regionals this year”
Rep: To “represent”. Also commonly used to denote ownership or usage
Ex: Dude, let me rep that umbrella, its big rainy outside
Ex: I’m repping big hucks so hard today
Chump: A person who is not at the standard of others. Also can denote a shaming or dominating action over someone else
Ex: Dude, that punk is the biggest chump ever. I just callahanned him so hard
Ex: I’ve been chumping punks all day, I keep beating them on in cuts like nobody’s business
Nub: Modification of “noob” or “newbie”. Someone or something that is inexperienced or not up to par
Ex: Dude, western Kentucky made us look like total nubs when they eliminated us from Great Lakes Secitionals 09. We’re not gonna be nubs like that next year
Legit: If something is legitimate; worth some measurable value
Ex: “Yo, it was so legit when you let off that low release forehand. You owned him hard.
gg: “good game”. To finish someone or something.
Ex. Yeah I just caught a huck for the win. gg nub
Ex. Oh man, he just gg’d that chump with that break throw
Thizz: To react strongly to something in a positive manner
Ex: “I was thizzing so hard after breaking my mark. I chumped him out bad”
Antithizz: The opposite of thizz; to react negatively to something
Ex: “man, im pretty antithizz about getting beat deep on that play. I’m gonna have to train harder to make regioanals next year”
Chill-gressive: “The state of being both chill, and aggressive.
Ex: “man, he was lulling me to sleep with his chillgressive style. I totally wasn’t ready for it when he busted strike and threw a huck deep to Andy
Chill-tense: “The state of being both chill, and intense
Ex: “Dude, explosions in the sky and minus the bear is such chill-tense music”
Big: An all purpose modifier to show increase in intensity of a feeling or action
Ex: “I’m about to go big eat some food
Ex: “I’m big antithizz over the fact we didn’t make regionals this year”
Rep: To “represent”. Also commonly used to denote ownership or usage
Ex: Dude, let me rep that umbrella, its big rainy outside
Ex: I’m repping big hucks so hard today
Chump: A person who is not at the standard of others. Also can denote a shaming or dominating action over someone else
Ex: Dude, that punk is the biggest chump ever. I just callahanned him so hard
Ex: I’ve been chumping punks all day, I keep beating them on in cuts like nobody’s business
Nub: Modification of “noob” or “newbie”. Someone or something that is inexperienced or not up to par
Ex: Dude, western Kentucky made us look like total nubs when they eliminated us from Great Lakes Secitionals 09. We’re not gonna be nubs like that next year
Legit: If something is legitimate; worth some measurable value
Ex: “Yo, it was so legit when you let off that low release forehand. You owned him hard.
gg: “good game”. To finish someone or something.
Ex. Yeah I just caught a huck for the win. gg nub
Ex. Oh man, he just gg’d that chump with that break throw
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Half Full or Half Empty?
I'd say the summer is about halfway done. A good month and a half has passed, about that much more left. I figure it's a good time to reflect a little on everything so far, and possibly refocus for the second half of the summer.
For starters my summer league team is 2-3. We won last week handily, it was never even close. I barely broke a sweat, and was kind of disappointed by the workout. Nevertheless, as a team, we made up some point differential, which was good.
This week was a little more interesting. We played White, and on paper, I must say I didn't recognize many people - so I thought it might be an easier win, a win that would punch us into the top Tier of competition for the second half of summer league. We traded points throughout, going up 2, and down 2. We played a lot of zone, they beat it with hammers. It was actually a lot of fun. With about 3 minutes to go, we were down 2. We sent out a hot stud line, and went on a solid run scoring 2 quick points off big yardage gainers via huck. Double game point ensued, I got a handblock on their goal line, but then turned it over trying to get the disc to Rose on the block. They then marched it down the field for the win. Disappointing loss, but w/e, It's the tournament that matters the most I guess.
Anyway, in regards to my own personal progress...I'd like to continue working on throws, breaking the mark, getting in better shape, still, and continuing to work hard on defense. My xrays on my ribs came back, nothing broken, but I did lose some quality time. In a few weeks I'll be leaving the country, so my time is actually pretty short in regards to increasing my game further.
In summary though, I'm not too pleased with the way this summer is shaping up in terms of Ultimate (more personal than anything, injury, work, etc.). It's had it's ups, but a lot of downs along the way as well. Only thing to do is make the second half better.
For starters my summer league team is 2-3. We won last week handily, it was never even close. I barely broke a sweat, and was kind of disappointed by the workout. Nevertheless, as a team, we made up some point differential, which was good.
This week was a little more interesting. We played White, and on paper, I must say I didn't recognize many people - so I thought it might be an easier win, a win that would punch us into the top Tier of competition for the second half of summer league. We traded points throughout, going up 2, and down 2. We played a lot of zone, they beat it with hammers. It was actually a lot of fun. With about 3 minutes to go, we were down 2. We sent out a hot stud line, and went on a solid run scoring 2 quick points off big yardage gainers via huck. Double game point ensued, I got a handblock on their goal line, but then turned it over trying to get the disc to Rose on the block. They then marched it down the field for the win. Disappointing loss, but w/e, It's the tournament that matters the most I guess.
Anyway, in regards to my own personal progress...I'd like to continue working on throws, breaking the mark, getting in better shape, still, and continuing to work hard on defense. My xrays on my ribs came back, nothing broken, but I did lose some quality time. In a few weeks I'll be leaving the country, so my time is actually pretty short in regards to increasing my game further.
In summary though, I'm not too pleased with the way this summer is shaping up in terms of Ultimate (more personal than anything, injury, work, etc.). It's had it's ups, but a lot of downs along the way as well. Only thing to do is make the second half better.
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