So great lakes regionals has come and g

one. It was pretty hard to see the ladies come up just a bit short for the nationals bid. Still, watching them suck wind on the sideline and keep themselves in the game because they wanted to do everything in their power to win was pretty endearing. It really shows how great ultimate can be. Every tournament we go to, we see people going out and dying for a game that most people regard as little more than recreation. We've always said that the first step to improving your game is start to love ultimate. I'm pretty sure everyone out on the field at regionals today, guy or girl, loves what they're doing and if our whole team can get that sort of passion, we've got a chance of being there next year. I'm proud our girls got as far as they did, and I know they'll get even further next year. After all, Its better to have lost, and gave a shit about what you were losing than to just fail and write it off. Even if we don't make regionals next year (but we will), I'll be satisfied that we actually cared enough about something to change our approach to the sport. Its even pretty satisfying just to care enough about something to make a freakin' blog about it.
Gongrats to Timmy Lee and Magnum for making nationals. Too bad it had to come at the expense of OSU. It wouldve been nice to see both teams at columbus this year.
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